Saturday, April 6, 2013

Why I Quit Drinking Coffee

in my early thirties for a?number of reasons. I had a lifelong anxiety disorder with panic?attacks, and anything I could do to calm down was good for my?mind as well as my body.?

I also had extreme symptoms of PMS: bloating, cramps,?and breast tenderness. My gynecologist told me that these problems?would be relieved by eliminating caffeine from my diet. I also?developed migraines around this time, and I discovered that a cup of?coffee with caffeine could reduce the severity of these headaches, and?even eliminate them totally. But only if I used caffeine on an?infrequent basis, around once a month when I had a migraine.Quitting caffeine cold turkey wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.?I had a headache every morning for a couple of weeks, but that was?manageable. The end results were well worth the two-week struggle. My?panic attacks lessened in frequency, my PMS symptoms all but?disappeared, and the magic cup of coffee for my monthly migraine was?sure to make the headache go away.

I continued to drink coffee, about a cup in the morning and maybe one?in the afternoon, but it was always decaf. But I didn't like my coffee?black, it always had half and half or soy creamer in it. And sometimes?sugar, if I was craving a treat.

Recently I discovered the ancient traditional medicine system known as?Ayurveda, which?is a holistic approach to the body and health,?based on three primary life forces in the body: air, fire and water.The key is to balance these three life forces, and that will lead to?optimum health. One of the ways to achieve this balance is by focusing?on one?s morning rituals to begin the day in alignment and with?nature?s rhythms. Ayurveda tradition believes that the first thing one?eats or drinks sets the tone for the rest of the day, and the best?thing to promote a healthy day is to drink a cup of warm water with?lemon upon awakening. The warm water gets your GI tract moving and the?lemon can release toxins in the digestive system.

I started my warm lemon water ritual four weeks ago, and I feel much?lighter and more energetic than I previously did after my morning?coffee with cream, even though it was decaf. My digestion is smooth,?and the knowledge that I am not putting processed soy creamer, or?dairy cream, into my body, allows me to start my day more peacefully.

Giving up a 20-year relationship with decaf coffee wasn't difficult at?all, and the benefits have been amazing. I advise you to try it for a

week and see how you feel, you may be surprised.


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