It evolves from Spearow starting at level 20.
Fearow is a large, mostly brown bird Pokmon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed beak that is pink in coloration, and a decorative red coxcomb tops its head. Its intense-looking eyes have very small pupils, and do not appear to have colored irises. It has shaggy feathers on the base of its neck and in a vaguely cape-like pattern covering the upper portion of its wings. The cape itself is cream in color, as are the tips of its flight feathers. Its sharp-clawed talons are pink, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward.
Fearow have large, strong beaks, allowing them to use strong attacks such as Drill Peck, Fury Attack and the rarely seen Drill Run, with the latter allowing it to fight off Electric types. Like most avian Pokmon, they can use a wide variety of aerial and wind-based moves. They can also fly very quickly and elegantly when it senses danger. These birds have solid stamina, allowing them to fly for an entire day without rest.
Fearow builds its nest on highly elevated areas; they are commonly seen on the peaks of rock spires near canyons. Very tall trees can make useful substitute positions for their nests. They are territorial and quick to anger, often attacking those who tread too near to their nests.
Fearow naturally live in badlands consisting of rough terrain, such as desolate wastelands and fields. Its natural range includes Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh and Unova.
Fearow are vicious predators and swoop down from above, grabbing their prey and taking it to their nests. They generally eat bugs and rodents, as they prefer to avoid any type of plant. As Fearow have been known to attack Pichu, Rattata, and Pidgey, it is presumed that they may prey on these Pokmon. Fearow also eat Pokmon food.
The Spearow who attacked Ash in the first episode evolved before Pallet Party Panic. Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot to defeat it. It reappeared in a flashback in Fighting Flyer with Fire.
Skyler owns a Fearow which helped him pull his balloon in the balloon race and driving Team Rocket away in The Big Balloon Blow-Up.
Two Fearow appeared under the ownership of Boarowisp Tyson in Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution and Rage Of Innocence.
Rico, the Pokmon poacher, owns a Fearow in A Poached Ego!.
In Pokmon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part Two, J's client used a Fearow to escape from Officer Jenny, Ash and his friends.
Fearow was first seen in a Pokmon Center in Sparks Fly for Magnemite.
A Fearow appeared competing in a tournament in Princess vs. Princess.
In Mewtwo Strikes Back, an unknown Trainer tried to ride a Fearow to Mewtwo's Island. This Trainer never turns up on the island, unlike the others who set out. Mewtwo also uses one to scout for powerful Trainers.
A Fearow appears in The Battle of the Badge and Lights, Camera, Quack-tion.
Multiple Fearow also appeared in The Power of One.
Multiple Fearow make an appearance in Don't Touch That 'dile.
Three Fearow briefly appeared in The Psychic Sidekicks! where they came out of the blue scaring the gang unintentionally.
A Fearow attacked and injured a Pidgey named Ken in Carrying On!. Ash's Noctowl drove it away after hypnotizing it making it believe that Noctowl was a Charizard.
A Fearow attacks several Pichu in The Apple Corp!. Ash's Pikachu drives it away after zapping it.
A Fearow attacked Team Rocket in Freeze Frame.
A Fearow alongside a flock of Spearow attacked a Pidgey named Orville in Fly Me to the Moon
Gary owns a Fearow, as seen in his profile in The Ties That Bind.
A Fearow was one of the Pokmon that fought in a battle as seen in a flashback in Pop Goes The Sneasel.
A Fearow also appeared in Pinch Healing!.
Jack Walker used a nearby Fearow to help Pikachu recover the Manaphy Egg stolen by Team Rocket in Pokmon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea.
A colony of Fearow appeared in A Staravia is Born!
Paul attempted to capture a Fearow in A Maze-ing Race!. By the end of the episode, it is unclear whether or not he succeeds.
Multiple Fearow made a brief cameo in Giratina and the Sky Warrior.
A Fearow appeared in Pursuing a Lofty Goal! as one of the participants of PokRinger competition.
Several Fearow appeared in Frozen on Their Tracks!.
Another Fearow also appeared in Historical Mystery Tour!.
Ash owns a Fearow in the manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu. It is one of the few Pokmon that Ash owns in the manga but not in the anime. It was given the nickname "Fearless" in Play Misty For Me.
Ash captured Fearow in the first chapter, Pikachu, I See You!. It was his first capture (besides Pikachu, who was not technically captured in a Pok Ball in the manga). Ash sometimes has trouble getting Fearow to obey him.
Fearow debuts in the Red, Green & Blue chapter in ...But Fearow Itself! when a wild one kidnaps a mutated Bill. It was a tough old bird, able to swiftly dodge Pika's Thunder Wave and Poli's Ice Beam (humorously causing Bill to get hit with the attacks), and even survived a Thunder from the former, after which it uses Drill Peck. Poli, however, was narrowly able to counter the move by using Double Team and landed a powerful Ice attack to incapacitate it at last. Red catches it afterwards, much to the shock of Bill.
Professor Oak also owns a Fearow that evolved from his surprisingly formidable Spearow sometime prior to the FireRed & LeafGreen chapter.
Ran has a pair of Fearow she used to attack Sh in Pokmon Get da how to catch Infinewt ze!
Fearow doesn't seem to be directly based on any particular bird species, instead taking inspiration from many soaring, predatory birds. It has traits similar to raptors such as hawks and vultures, as well as similarities with storks. Its physical appearance may be vaguely based on a cormorant or an anhinga, despite the fact that they are water birds. It also shares characteristics with chickens and snipe, most notably its comb and long beak, respectively. Its coloration and size also resembles the Goliath Heron, whose feathers when ruffled look superficially like a cockscomb.
Fearow is a combination of fear and sparrow or arrow. It may also derive from feather.
Onidrill is a combination of oni (demon) and drill, although it is worth noting that the first four syllables can be taken to mean onidori (demon bird).
Zippo (Japanese: Zippo) was the first Pokmon introduced on Ritchie's team. It first appeared in A Friend in Deed.
Zippo was introduced as a Charmander during the Indigo League Conference, breaking open a van wall Team Rocket trapped Ritchie and Ash in with Slash when Ash's Bulbasaur couldn't do it on its own. It is unclear whether Zippo or Sparky was Ritchie's first Pokmon. Later, Zippo was sent out when Ritchie's Butterfree, Happy, was taken out. Even though Pikachu dodged multiple Flamethrowers, it wasn't able to keep up and loses to Zippo's Tackle. Zippo's next opponent was Charizard and it was ready. However, Zippo runs from Charizard's Flamethrower after shooting a Flamethrower of its own. Afterwards, Zippo forfeits the battle when Ritchie recalls it. In Friends to the End, it was briefly shown battling Assunta's Rhydon. Afterwards, it was one of the Pokmon knocked out when Ritchie was left with Sparky. In that same episode, it saves Ash's Pikachu and Sparky when they were captured by Team Rocket.
Zippo reappeared in A Parent Trapped! during the Whirl Islands in its Charmeleon stage. It was sent out along with Ash's Cyndaquil to take on Butch's Hitmontop and Cassidy's Houndour. It wasn't able to match up with their foes as the headgear made them more powerful.
In the special, Oaknapped, Zippo was sent out to take on Butch's Mightyena. It uses Flamethrower on Mightyena but some of the flames land on Professor Oak's hair. Zippo then Fire Spins it along with Cassidy's Sableye which lands on their Trainers, leaving Sparky to blast them off using Thunder. In Celebi and Joy, Zippo finishes off the workers with Flamethrower combined with Sparky's Thunderbolt.
Zippo, as a Charmander, was willing to battle any opponent including ones that have evolved as shown when it was battling Charizard.
In the manga series The Electric Tale of Pikachu, Zippo competes against Ash's Charizard in the Indigo Plateau Conference in the chapter The Indigo Finals and is defeated and heavily wounded during the battle. Unlike in the anime, however, Zippo has already evolved into a Charizard by this point.
In the original Japanese version, it retains its nickname of Zippo, however, in the VIZ Media English translation, it is renamed to Charley.
For more information on this Pokmon's fake pokemon game map Training Cave F2 species, see Charmander and Charmeleon.
Tangela (Japanese: Monjara) is a Grass-type Pokmon.
It evolves into Tangrowth when leveled up while knowing AncientPower.
Tangela is covered with thick blue vines that obscure its face so only its eyes can be seen. The vines give it a round shape, although it is unknown what it looks like without them. The vines are covered in fine hair. It has a pair of red boot-like feet, but no visible arms.
Tangela's vines never stop growing and are easily replaced if lost or damaged. Tangela can ensnare and entangle its foes with its vines.
Its thick blue vines are constantly jiggling and swaying. This appears to be a defensive technique, as the movement unnerves enemies and deters herbivores that might mistake Tangela for a shrub. Any moving object that gets too close to a Tangela will be ensnared by its vines. This also appears to be a defensive technique, because Tangela's vines will snap off easily and painlessly if the target pulls on them, suggesting that the ensnaring is intended to scare off potential predators.
Tangela can usually be found on the edge of many grassy plains, be it near a mountain range or the ocean. However, they can also be found in large forests or the jungle on some occasions. They are most common in Kanto and Johto, and can also be found in the Sevii Islands. They have also been introduced to the Great Marsh in Sinnoh.
Erika used a Tangela when Ash battled her for the Rainbow Badge in Pokmon Scent-sation!.
A Tangela appeared battling Brock's Vulpix in Princess vs. Princess.
Tangela made an appearance in The Kangaskhan Kid.
A Tangela under the ownership of Stella appeared in It's Mr. Mime Time.
A Tangela under the ownership of an unknown Trainer, appeared in Friends to where can i find Nexon the End, during the closing ceremonies of the Indigo League.
Tangela also appeared in The Power of One.
A Tangela appeared in Beauty and the Breeder where it participated in a Pokmon beauty contest.
A Tangela belonging to an unnamed competitor appeared in The Grass Route competing in the Grass-type tournament.
A Tangela appeared in Celebi: Voice of the Forest.
A Tangela was one of the Pokmon seen at Wings Alexander's barn in Throwing in the Noctowl.
Several Tangela appeared in For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!.
An image of a Tangela appeared in Hocus Pokmon.
An Officer Jenny owned a Tangela in Gulpin it Down.
Like her counterparts in other media, Erika of Pokmon Adventures has a Tangela in her arsenal. This Tangela goes by the nickname Angela in the English translations, or Mon-chan in Japanese.
Tangela is one of the Pokmon Lunick captures in the adaptation of Pokmon Ranger. Lunick uses Tangela's vines to rescue a girl from a burning building.
A Tangela took part in a baseball match in Fierce Competition at the Pokmon Baseball Tournament!.
Tangela is probably based on Medusa, a gorgon of Greek mythology, who had a head of snakes and turned any creature that saw her into stone. The tentacles on Tangela, however, are vines. Its Crystal sprite shows it curling into a ball, meaning it may also have design elements from tumbleweed or bird-cage plants. It may also be based on a Green Man, a motif that is represented as a face surrounded by leaves and vines.
Tangela may be a combination of tangle and Medusa (referring to its vines resembling a snake hairstyle like Medusa's).
Monjara may be based on mojamoja (shaggy or unkempt). It may also include monster.
Ash's Torterra (Japanese: Satoshi's Dodaitose) is the second Pokmon that Ash Ketchum caught in the Sinnoh region.
Ash caught Torterra as a Turtwig in Gettin' Twiggy With It!. It had been living in the forest near Clara's home, and it broke up fights among wild Pokmon in the area. After Team Rocket stole Ash's Pikachu, their balloon crashed, and Turtwig defended Pikachu against them. When Ash and his friends appeared, Turtwig assumed they were trying to wrongfully steal Pikachu, too, so it attacked them and ran off with an exhausted Pikachu in tow. The next time they confronted Turtwig, the misunderstanding was explained, and Turtwig apologetically befriended Ash. At the end of the episode, Ash and his friends began to leave, and the old woman encouraged Turtwig to go with Ash, so it ran to challenge him. Turtwig and Pikachu battled, and Ash caught Turtwig.
As Turtwig, it was a brave yet kind Pokmon that has high confidence for its small size. It apparently had a strong jaw, as it was often seen latching itself onto people and Pokmon's heads, tails, hats, and appendages to attack or show affection. It has done this to Ash as well, the behavior somewhat resembling that of James's Victreebel, Carnivine and Cacnea. It has also been shown to be both incredibly fast and quite strong, such as the time when it used Bite on Roark's Rampardos's tail and threw it into a rock, after which Brock said, "Big things come in small packages!"
In Different Strokes where appear monstermmorpg monster Korrodo for Different Blokes, Turtwig battled Paul's Chimchar and lost. Although it held its own in battle, it appeared to hesitate upon receiving Ash's command to dodge attacks.
Overall, it has taken part in five of Ash's Gym battles. As a Turtwig, it defeated Roark's Cranidos in their first battle, and in the rematch, defeated the newly evolved Rampardos, giving Ash his first Sinnoh Badge. It also battled against Gardenia's Turtwig during his second Gym battle. Although Gardenia's Pokmon had defeated Ash's during a battle in the Eterna Forest, he gained the upper hand and defeated the Grass-type. After learning Energy Ball from Kenny's Breloom, Turtwig didn't battle again until the Pastoria Gym battle in A Crasher Course in Power!, where it battled Crasher Wake's Quagsire, but it was called back before being defeated. It wasn't used again until Ash's seventh Gym battle as a Grotle, in Sliding Into Seventh!, where it was used in the Gym battle against Candice, its first appearance in a Gym battle since evolving. Using the lessons taught to it by Torterra, it stood firm against Sneasel's Icy Wind and was able to defeat her using Rock Climb which allowed it to easily travel across the ice without slipping. Unfortunately, it was easily defeated by her Abomasnow with a shattering Wood Hammer later in the battle. It briefly battled Volkner's Luxray in The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore. Grotle was able to use Razor Leaf and withstand a Spark coming from Luxray before the match was interrupted.
Like many of Ash's Pokmon, Turtwig's battle style was based on its speed, a factor that Ash focused on even more after seeing Gardenia's Turtwig in action. However, in Aiding the Enemy! Turtwig evolved into Grotle during a battle against Paul's Honchkrow. It quickly became apparent that, due to its new body being larger and heavier, Grotle's speed had diminished, and Grotle fumbled and fell down a lot in the battle. The newly-evolved Grotle had high expectations of itself, well exemplified in the same episode. During the night, it went out to try to improve its speed. However, it failed to regain its speed and stumbled over from time to time. This was initially upsetting but Paul's Torterra provided some unexpected help by showing Grotle that it could rely on defense instead.
In Jumping Rocket Ship!, it was shown that Grotle became fatigued from walking a lot and from its increased weight. It had to be carried by Brock's Happiny for a portion of the journey.
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